Case Study

Johnson & Johnson
Medical Devices Company



Johnson&Johnson’s design team was tasked with a massive site migration. Beginning with an unorganized system of over 200 sites and pages covering all of Johnson&Johnson medical devices and products was systematically built into one cohesive site. Working intimately with content strategists and product owners from each division, I was a lead UI designer building out the templates and patterns across the site, which is meant to be a 3 year project.



Johnson & Johnson



My Role

UI Designer


Matthew Abate, Design Lead
Howard Chambers, Lead UX Designer
Saalik Simpo, UI Designer
Rafael Castello, UI Designer
Silvia Fernandez, Content Strategist
Bruce Shenitz, Content Strategist

Project Website

Johnson and Johnson Medical Device Companies has dozens of sub-brands,
each one makes hundreds of products and each product has their own website.

JJMDCLogos Jake Kahana design

200+ websites to be more precise.

So we created a plan to migrate them all into a single site:
J&J Medical Devices Companies.

JJMDC Kahana

We organized the content by hand...

Jake Kahana J&J Design

…before organizing them into digital templates.

JJMDC Wireframes Kahana jake design

Which later turned into designs for product pages, procedures, brand, and more.

JJMDC_Brands Jake Kahana
JJMDC_Brand Jake Kahana Ethicon design
JJMDC_Procedure kahana
JJMDC_spine jake kahana specialty
JJMDC_Product Suture Jake Kahana design